

Paul & Naomi

Since our initial call to serve the Chinese in the early 1980’s, we have witnessed China’s transformation from being one of the most unreached nations on earth to becoming a missionary sending force. Despite unprecedented and unending persecution, God continues to call out Christians from China to take the Gospel to the least-reached people in the world.

We ourselves have subsequently transitioned from evangelizing Chinese to helping them reach the unreached. After serving with another organization for 28 years, we founded our own organization in 2017. Our mission is to equip, mentor and care for missionaries from China for long term, fruitful ministries among unreached peoples. We currently partner with Chinese indigenous mission agencies and, through them, serve over 150 missionaries and their children in 21 countries in the 10/40 Window.

Our ultimate goal is the glory of Jesus and His return through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Mt. 24:14).

Thank you for your fellowship and partnership in the Gospel!